my blog : because who has peas for a shrink?

27 Mar 2009

Let Your Brew Cool Down!

Good Morning Tea Lovers,

Man like Martin has put me on to this very interesting BBC News Article. Well, interesting isn't' really the word. [Erm, can't think, will stick to interesting for now.] Anyway, it states that drinking your 'steaming hot tea' is very very bad for you and studies have shown that it is linked to oesophageal (food tube) cancer.

Read the original article here.

Things like this worry me a bit: I usually like to prove how manly I am by sipping dat brew while still boiling hot...but will no longer be doing that - will be waiting 4-5 minutes as stated. Or more specifically, til it's temperature is at 56-60C! No joke!

All Tea Lovers, follow suit!

Drink safe! Pick up one of these bad boy tea thermometers for just £15

edit - If you want one of these click here.

25 Mar 2009

The Football Factory

What a killer picture.

I occasionally have a dig around ye ol' DVD collection and pull out a classic. The other night it was Nick Love's 'The Football Factory' [second half was picked up the next morning as I felt super tired]. Classic. One of Danny Dyer's best performances, and full of memorable scenes + script that you'll wanna quote forever. [See: Billy bright and the lads having a drink in the Stoke pub]

Yeah OK, some of the fonts and stuff used are a bit.....shitly designed but that's all part of the fun, ain't it! Also, as mentioned some of the scenes are mad crazzzzzy, and sooo hilarious. It's rawness and grittiness is one of the things I like about it. Not to mention for weeks after watching it I resort to the words 'mug' and 'c*nt' [what a filthy word!] when trying to express anger.

One of me favourite quotes:

"Are you tryna mug me off in front of my pals?" - Billy Bright to Zebedee

Anyway, not a film review...just a reminder of what a great film this is. However one my favourite films ever directed by Nick Love is 'The Business'. Absolute classic! Actually, I think I'll put that one out later. [should have saved this post for that film!]

13 Mar 2009

I ♥ Sleep

[My declaration of Love for Sleep.]

Even a Beast gotta sleep at some point.

"Dear Sleep,

I love you SOOOOOO much. Even though I don't get to have you lots of the time, it makes it that much more special when I do. Sometimes on the weekend I'm criticised for having you too much! But it's just that I missed you during the week so I think of it as making up for lost time.

Just a warning, I'm working on a Promo CD and have a major Uni project to do so you might not see me as much [for a while], but you'll always be on my mind.

Lots of Love,
Issue One."

If you're having trouble tryna maximise your sleep. Go here. There's tons of advice...I on the other hand, have no trouble. Oh, and plentiful kudos to those who snack 'lightly' before bed! [i.e. Me] Chomping on Bread/Cereal etc. before bed had me a bit worried for my health [even though its DAMN good!], but research is research!

You gotta love it!

P.s. We all knew counting sheep never works. Dummies.

12 Mar 2009

S. Darko Official Trailer

Now I was hoping that this was a spoof [sort of], but the prediction is becoming a reality [see my previous post ]....this flick is 'en route' to becoming a pile of unnecessary crap. I don't really want to go on moan about it too much, just thought I'd post it so you could have a looksie yourself.

This should just go straight to DVD, yeah. Or better yet. Cancelled . Lol.

10 Mar 2009

Music Videos Pulled from Youtube

This morning I was 'having a Kiss breakfast' with Ricky and Melvin when their 'news set' [what is that actually called?] announced that by the end of the week UK YouTube users would not be able to watch any Music Videos. My face looked like this:

"YouTube in the UK is to be stripped of its most popular music videos after the site failed to agree a new licensing deal with the Performing Rights Society for Music, the trade body that collects music royalties.

YouTube said today that after the expiry of its former deal, PRS had proposed new payment terms that would be financially prohibitive for the site and would require YouTube to pay out more than it makes from the ads next to each video."

What a blow. [No, not Wha' Blo.] What a blow. YouTube is a muchos powerful form of promotion for any music artist. A lot of a music artists' revenue comes from Live Performances; and music videos posted on websites like YouTube can act as a catalyst to get consumers to buy tickets to gigs... and if they don't, it's publicity at the end of the day. I'm not too sure how this will affect indie artists - hopefully not in such a bad way.

I think a lot of blogs will suffer from this as well, although there are many other sites to videos from; how legal these are: I know not.

Anyways, I don't want to go to deep, this blog is for light reading! Read the article here and have your own say. I'll end by quoting a comment that someone left on the article, which is quite good me thinks.

"So the PRS is "shocked and disappointed" to find that the loaded gun they are holding is in fact pointing at their own foot instead of YouTube's head."


4 Mar 2009

The All In One EP

Hello world,

I know it's been a while, and for that I apologise. I have just recently handed in my Major Project Dissertation... I grinded that out HARD and so for now, I am in a relaxful expect more posts.

However, I have been planning and planning...some thinking, and a bit more planning. I am now ready to reveal that I am currently working on a solo project, titled 'The All in One EP'.

"Issue One on the buttons, and Issue One in the booth." i.e. One Man Band Man.

It's been long over due, and I feel your pain. Showing off a track here and there simply doesn't cut it...and I feel I am at a stage to dish out the Issue One product, so a Promo CD is absolutely necessary!! I don't want to reveal too many details, but one thing to know is that it will show off my eclectic sound. Hence, 'The All in One EP' [Among many other meanings].

Keep your eyes ears peeled.

This is me, in printer form. [Geddit?]