I know it's been a while, and for that I apologise. I have just recently handed in my Major Project Dissertation... I grinded that out HARD and so for now, I am in a relaxful place...so expect more posts.
However, I have been planning and planning...some thinking, and a bit more planning. I am now ready to reveal that I am currently working on a solo project, titled 'The All in One EP'.
"Issue One on the buttons, and Issue One in the booth." i.e. One Man Band Man.
It's been long over due, and I feel your pain. Showing off a track here and there simply doesn't cut it...and I feel I am at a stage to dish out the Issue One product, so a Promo CD is absolutely necessary!! I don't want to reveal too many details, but one thing to know is that it will show off my eclectic sound. Hence, 'The All in One EP' [Among many other meanings].
Keep your

This is me, in printer form. [Geddit?]
Yeeah boy!