my blog : because who has peas for a shrink?

28 Nov 2009

"That's Seeerious!" Vol. 4 - The Misfits

The UK winter has brought a lot of unwell days to me of recent, so a lot of shows, old and new have been getting airtime (not airrrrrrrtime, just regular airtime) from me. Now I didn't watch The Misfits as it was aired per week, but decided to catch up using 40D.

Ha, what can I say! If you don't watch this already...I don't want to give too much away, and if you DO watch it already then I'm with you on this one. I wasn't completely sold on the first episode, but 3 episodes deep and they have me! Can't wait for the next one!!

It's about a group of young offenders doing their community service..when a lot of strange happenings occur. Haven't told you enough? Go and watch it! lol. Real talk though, it's not too late!

The thing I love about these E4 shows (i.e. Skins) is their choice of music. Ok, some of it is commercial crap, but a lot of the times you find songs that you probably would have either:
A) never found, or B) would have found in a million years which by then you'd be so old you probably couldn't even hear it properly! Tune's seeerious!!

Currently listening - Kleerup ft. Lykke Li - Until We Bleed

18 Nov 2009

Work Hard x Play Hard

Never before have I felt so inspired to create; design and make music. I have so many ideas and plans practically leaking out of my ears that I feel need to be carried out...and that is what I have been out doing. Inspired by and aspire to those who create not just to pay the bills but for the <3 of it.

You might think I have taken a quote out of some sort of design bible but I haven't, it's just exactly how I am feeling. I am currently partaking in the creation of certain projects; The All in One EP project has been put on hold/transformed into some sort of electronic demo project, and pushing my design skills in the production of the HiDefShow.Com website. (More about this at a later date)

I've been pushing and pushing to create amazing work, so that other can too be inspired...A big thanks is due to the small circle of creatives that are kept close truly inspire me!

In other news...COD is the shizzle!