Gears of War 2 Dammit! Now that.is. Seeerious! I've been banging it out, and although can't say I've completed it yet - it is on the to do list. The original GOW was mad crazy - and this one is just as, if not more! This isn't a game review, but let me tell you...the graphics - are SICK! And game play is so intense that my 360 pad slowly slips through my sweaty palms...Jokes!
But the way the Gears move, act, their bulkiness, their raw weapons, their ruthlessness [is that a word?]..it's all too much!
This game makes me want to be a Gear!! Well, only for a short period - not my whole life. I would put that chainsaw through them punks! Marcus Fenix, you are too Seeerious darg! Props!
"Look, ma. No face." Lol!!
Look out for the next Volume.